Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Stats

Okay just so it is all in one place here are my stats:
Born July 28th, 1983 26 years old
Caucasian, light to medium skin
Brown Hair with a natural blond streak on the left side
Brown Eyes
5' 7"
216lbs With a BMI of 33 and falling(yeah I have dropped a point and 10lbs in 2 weeks!!)
Blood Type is O+
Easy vaginal delivery with my son
He was born on his due date at 40 weeks gestation
He has only ever had breastmilk, no formula
I donate my extra milk to preemie twins
I have a current background check

If I forgot something please let me know

Background Checks and Fingerprinting

I have received conformation that my background check returned clear and no faults were found. I can provide this documentation. I have been fingerprinted and cleared to work with children. I knew this but now I have the piece of paper to support me. When matched I would like to see background checks on my IP's.

Tallulah Rue

Some of you may have already read this story. I have been following it for awhile now. Truthfully it brings tears to my eyes. Both for how tiny she is but what a fighter she is and secondly for how much her daddies love her. Very rarely can true emotion be conveyed in words, but this blog is bursting with raw emotion. The pictures and the excitement can be felt. Be strong Tallulah Rue. My Thoughts and Prayers are with you. Before you know it Daddy and Papi will have you home and in their arms.

Tallulah Rue's Blog

Contacting me

Just realized that I do not have a way to contact me on this blog. At least I don't think I do. If you wish to know more about me or have questions please email me by clicking the link below. When writing please put "surrogacy" and "blog" somewhere in your title. Thanks!
Best Wishes
Lacie's Email

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A little more about me(warning this could get long and rambling)

So. Lets see here. As I stated before I am adopted. I don't feel adopted, if adopted can have a feeling. My parents are my parents they are my world. My brother is my brother, even though he can be a severe pain in the butt. There may not be blood but there is a stronger bond, love. Growing up I was a tomboy. I was always the one chasing down the snakes and getting dirty. I love animals, I have always had a dog by my side. I also like to help animals and have bottle fed baby squirrels, a baby kitten and have nursed a baby swan back to health. I have raised ducks, geese and chickens. Buying the eggs and incubating them(in an incubator,not myself lol), turning them everyday until they hatched.I have had talking parrots and tiny finches. I have had a 6ft Iguana and a 2ft Bearded Dragon. I have had mice and hamsters. Needless to say, I've had a menagerie. Right now, I have my Min Pin.
I have gone fishing and Parasailing on Cape Cod, I have traveled the subways of NYC,I have gotten up at 3am to get my spot on Broadway to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade. I have walked the beaches of CA, OR and WA. I have gone on cattle drives. I have helped a dog deliver a litter of pups. I have gone back to school.
I love helping people. I have volunteered with special needs children. I have also volunteered with MAGDRL which stands for Mid Atlantic Great Dane Rescue League. I have shipped care packages to the troops and I have provided hot meals to the homeless.
I am laid back. I like to live life as it is thrown at me, even if it is a wild ride. I would be perfectly happy even if I was living paycheck to paycheck as long as my family was taken care of and we are healthy. Money, though vital and I sure do enjoy spending it, is overrated. Big money can be big trouble.
I read, a lot. I feel that I am always learning and that there is always something to be learned. Sometimes it is just useless information, but I might use it someday. If I am going to be doing something new, I will be reading about it and getting as much information as possible. My mom got pretty annoyed with me while I was pregnant because of this.
Well there is more but it is almost 11pm, Gabriel is waking up for his night feeding and it is time for me to go to bed.
Best Wishes

GS vs TS

A Gestational Surrogate is someone who undergoes hormone therapy to regulate her cycle. She then goes through IVF and is implanted with fertilized eggs. Either the Im's or donor eggs are used and the IF's sperm or donor sperm is used.
A Traditional Surrogate is someone who uses her own eggs and either the IF's sperm or donor sperm to become pregnant.
Both options have there pros and cons.
I am willing to do either. The gift of life is so precious and being adopted has shown me how much love can be shown to a child. Being a mother myself, I cannot understand some of the feelings and emotions rushing through an IP's head. But, through my parents, I understand the heartbreak of longing for a child.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Show Me the Money(Not Literally)

It amazes me the amount of money that goes into having a child these days. From that first 10 bucks for the "most sophisticated piece of technology you'll ever pee on" to the final bill after delivery, thousands of dollars have been spent. Thats not even including all the baby essentials. Now what if you are unable to have a child of your own? Add agency fees, IVF, donor sperm and or eggs, medications, surrogate compensation, the list goes on and on, you are now looking at 60,000 or more. What if the new baby(s) have to stay in the NICU? Better add another 10-20,000. That is just insane. I am willing to work with a lower fee than most agency's and other surrogates.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Agency vs Indy

I am still deciding if I want to go with an agency or if I want to attempt going indy. I can see pros and cons to each side. With an agency I know that all my bases will be covered and that they will do a lot of the leg work for me. On the other hand an agency has many fees that the IP's are charged on top of comp., medical, IVF ect. Also many of the agency's I have looked at have BMI requirements that don't exactly jive with my own right now. I know that many RE's have their own BMI requirements and I can understand this which is why I am working to lose some weight. If I decide to go indy, I really need to do my homework and will have to set everything up myself. But it cuts out the middle man. I am able to do things how I want.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Education

I graduated high school with a 3.75 grade point average. On my ACTs I had a combined score of 29 which means I was in the top 25% nationwide. I am currently enrolled in the Early Childhood Education program going first for my Associates then for my Bachelors. This last semester I maintained A's and B's in my classes. I consider myself very smart although I will admit sometimes I get bored and do not put enough effort into my studies.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Donating Breast Milk

While the topic may seem taboo to some, to others it is liquid gold. My son refuses a bottle but I still need to pump to maintain my supply. My son also has reflux so I have to watch what I eat and am on a low dairy diet. There are babies that can not tolerate even the most hypoallergenic of formulas. These babies needs mamas milk, sometimes milk from mommas that are on a very specific diet to eliminate allergens. There are a couple of different ways to donate. Milk banks which screen donors, pasteurize the milk and sell it by prescription for 2-5 dollars an ounce. Or, places like MilkShare (, where recipients screen their own donors and pay to have the milk shipped to them or find a local donor to meet up with. I have gone through MilkShare. Once I donated over 200oz to IFs of twins via surrogacy. I packed all the milk up with dry ice and shipped it overnight to Washington state. It cost about $150 to ship it. Then my supply crashed from being sick. I still continue to donate what little extra I pump to a local mom with twins who also have reflux and do not tolerate formula. There are many reasons people choose breast milk. In my opinion "Breast is Best"

Being a Single Parent

I just want to clarify that I am single by choice. My sons dad is still involved in his life, but, we disagree on many aspects of childraising, and my son must come first. As any parent knows, you would do anything for your child. For me, that involves living with my parents and continuing my education. My son is surrounded by loving people who care for him deeply. He is growing up in a household where everyone has his best intrest in mind. Some may call this spoiled and tell me that he needs to "man up" but if love means spoiled, then yes my son is spoiled rotten. Don't get me wrong I do believe in limits but I will not make him cry for more than five minutes at a time to teach him something when all he wants is to be cuddled or some encouragement.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Idaho Laws

Idaho Surrogacy Law

Summary: The Idaho statutes do not address surrogacy agreements, but case law indicates such contracts may be enforceable in the state. The issue of surrogacy agreements involving lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) individuals has not yet been considered by the courts.

Explanation: In the 1986 case of DeBernardi v. Steve B.D. , a biological mother sought custody of a child after she had relinquished custody to the adoptive parents. Maintaining that a custody decision is governed by the “best interests of the child” standard, the Idaho Supreme Court determined that biology was not the sole factor to be considered. Instead, the Court held that when the biological mother relinquishes custody, absent fraud, duress or undue influence in the adoption process, she should be bound to that choice. Particularly significant to the Court was the fact that the child had lived for a long time with the adoptive parents and had developed a strong bond with them. While not at issue, the legality of surrogate agreements could be implicit in the decision.

There is no explicit prohibition in Idaho on LGBT couples jointly adopting a child, nor is there an explicit prohibition on LGBT individuals adopting the child of their same-sex partner.

Citations: DeBernardi v. Steve B.D., 723 P.2d 829 (Idaho 1986).

The legal information provided on this page is provided as a courtesy to the public. It is not designed to serve as legal advice. HRC does not warrant that this information is current or comprehensive.

Last Updated: 9/9/2009

Pictures of me and my son Gabriel

Time Frames

While many IPs are anxious to start right away, I am hoping to find someone that wants to get everything put into place and wait until my son weans. I am aiming to breastfeed him for a year at the minimum and since he refuses a bottle that is easily done. He will be a year old in April, so it really isnt that far away. I am also in the process of shedding a few pounds and getting back into shape. I am also donating my milk still so it would be nice to continue that for a while. Anyways, wishing the best.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Wow, so I always knew insurance was a pain in the a**. But now it is taking on a whole new meaning. I am not currently inssured and finding an insurance that does not have surro exclusions is like finding a needle in a hay stack.


The last couple of months I have been reading and reading and reading some more. I have happened upon a whole new vocabulary that consists of abbriviations like GS, TS, IPs, IM, IF, AF, 2ww, and many many more. I have decided that I am open to becoming a GS or a TS if the right match occurs. I am also willing to work with anyone who wants to become a Mommy or Daddy. I am always on the boards reading what others have to say and smile as I read most of the experiances. One thing that really upsets me is how many loving people have been hurt so bad by people that claim to want to help. It truely is a shame. One thing is for sure the learning never ends.

About me

Well lets see...where to start. I am 26 years old and currently pursuing my Associate's in Early Childhood Education. I go to school full time and work part time. My son is nine months old and still refuses a bottle. I currently donate my extra milk to a Mommy with twins that can not keep up with their demand. I also donated milk to two men who became Daddies to twins via surrogacy. My New Year's resolution was to get in better shape. So far it is going well. I cut out bread and have already lost five pounds. My son is already a handful and once he starts walking I will need new running shoes. Also if I decide to go with an agency, many of them will not consider my BMI. Speaking of which, it is currently at 34. While I am overweight, I am healthy and have a lot of muscle. My pregnancy was very easy and despite being in labor for three days, everything went great. I work in a childcare center and just completed my full background check. I had no idea there were so many different ways that they took your fingerprints.

The Beginning

Well I am new to this whole blogging idea so bear with me. I thought this would be a good place to get all my thoughts out and some basic information. I have been interested in Surrogacy for some time now but there were a couple of speed bumps that I hit. One, I am adopted and without my medical history, I was not a candidate. Two, I did not have children of my own, thus could not prove that I could carry a child. Well in April of 2009 I gave birth to my son, and then a week before my birthday I was contacted by my birth mother. I know what I mean to my parents and want to give that gift to another mom and dad or a mom and mom or a dad and dad for that matter.