Saturday, January 23, 2010

A little more about me(warning this could get long and rambling)

So. Lets see here. As I stated before I am adopted. I don't feel adopted, if adopted can have a feeling. My parents are my parents they are my world. My brother is my brother, even though he can be a severe pain in the butt. There may not be blood but there is a stronger bond, love. Growing up I was a tomboy. I was always the one chasing down the snakes and getting dirty. I love animals, I have always had a dog by my side. I also like to help animals and have bottle fed baby squirrels, a baby kitten and have nursed a baby swan back to health. I have raised ducks, geese and chickens. Buying the eggs and incubating them(in an incubator,not myself lol), turning them everyday until they hatched.I have had talking parrots and tiny finches. I have had a 6ft Iguana and a 2ft Bearded Dragon. I have had mice and hamsters. Needless to say, I've had a menagerie. Right now, I have my Min Pin.
I have gone fishing and Parasailing on Cape Cod, I have traveled the subways of NYC,I have gotten up at 3am to get my spot on Broadway to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade. I have walked the beaches of CA, OR and WA. I have gone on cattle drives. I have helped a dog deliver a litter of pups. I have gone back to school.
I love helping people. I have volunteered with special needs children. I have also volunteered with MAGDRL which stands for Mid Atlantic Great Dane Rescue League. I have shipped care packages to the troops and I have provided hot meals to the homeless.
I am laid back. I like to live life as it is thrown at me, even if it is a wild ride. I would be perfectly happy even if I was living paycheck to paycheck as long as my family was taken care of and we are healthy. Money, though vital and I sure do enjoy spending it, is overrated. Big money can be big trouble.
I read, a lot. I feel that I am always learning and that there is always something to be learned. Sometimes it is just useless information, but I might use it someday. If I am going to be doing something new, I will be reading about it and getting as much information as possible. My mom got pretty annoyed with me while I was pregnant because of this.
Well there is more but it is almost 11pm, Gabriel is waking up for his night feeding and it is time for me to go to bed.
Best Wishes

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